In some networks, you may want to assign a specific IP address to your access point/switch.

You can do this by going to the devices page on the controller > Click on the device that you wish to assign the IP to (Properties page will appear on the right hand side) > Config > Network > select Static IP from the Configure IP drop-down box.

From here you will need to fill in the fields in accordance with your network.
-The IP address will be the address you wish to assign the device
-The Preferred DNS is the IP used to perform DNS (usually Google's DNS or your ISP DNS)
-The Subnet Mask is the Subnet set up on your router (usually unless stated otherwise)
-The Alternate DNS is another IP used to perform DNS (,, ISP DNS, or left blank)
-The Gateway IP is the IP address of your router
-DNS Suffix can be left blank

**PLEASE NOTE** You will have to make sure that all settings are correct before queuing and saving the changes otherwise the unit will become inaccessible and will need to be reset. If this happens or you have any other issues/enquiries, please contact us.