If you are looking to add additional UniFi devices to your UniFiCloud Service, you will need to reach out to our requests team so they can assist you accordingly.

You can reach out to requests@broadbandbuyer.com with the following information so this can be progressed accordingly:

- MAC address/Serial number

- Model of the unit you are looking to add

- Site name this needs to be added to

- How the unit is currently managed (or if it is in factory defaults)

If the device in question has been ordered from us over a month ago, or from a third-party reseller, it will need an active UniFiCloud License. 

The cost of this license is £10 + VAT per device and will cover 1 year of hosting.

Note: If you have a Dedicated Controller service with ourselves, you do not need to pay any additional licensing fees and you will have the ability to adopt these yourself. If you need help or the steps for doing this, feel free to reach out to our requests team.