If you are new to our UniFiCloud Controller Service, you will need to create your account to log onto the controller portal. You would have received an invitation to the controller via your email address when the order was processed.

Once you have followed the link, you will be directed to our UniFiCloud Controller to create a Username and Password for your account. These details are personal to you and should not be shared with others. If you are not presented with the page below then go to Settings > System > Administration > Select your email address > Here you can set a desired username and password.

**PLEASE NOTE** The link within the email can only be opened once so any future logins will need to be via the controller URL. For example, this customer will use the link https://001.unificloud.co.uk:8443 to access their controller in future.

If you have any further questions you can contact our Technical Support team at support@unificloud.co.uk and we will be more than happy to assist you.